Moisturiser Withdrawal Guide
Stopping the usage of moisturisers can be extremely difficult, especially if applying them for relief has become a necessity. I personally faced it and found the aspect to be daunting.
You can definitely stop moisturisers cold turkey - I know of many who have done this successfully. But if this is too difficult for you, I have found several ways of tapering off moisturiser which you can try. These methods minimise the discomfort and can be done at a pace at which you are comfortable with.
Reducing frequency of application
Instead of stopping moisturisers completely, you may reduce the frequency you apply it. For example, if you are using it 5 times a day at the moment, reduce it to 4 times a day. Keep this up for several weeks until you feel comfortable with applying it just 4 times a day. It will be a little (very) uncomfortable that one time you do not apply it, however the results will be worth persevering for! Then you may reduce it once more to 3 times a day, and repeat the process until you are independent of moisturisers.Reducing amount of each application
If you are using a palm sized amount of moisturisers per application, reduce it to 3/4 a palm instead. Try this for several weeks until your skin has adapted to the reduced amount, then reduce it again. Repeat the process until your skin is independent of moisturisers.Withdrawing area by area
Pick one area of your skin that you feel most comfortable withdrawing from first. These are usually areas which are not large movement areas or joints, such as the tummy, back, thighs, shins. You may choose to withdraw completely or use methods 1. or 2. in conjunction with this method. Once your chosen area is feeling better without moisturiser, you may move on to the next most comfortable area to withdraw from. Keep going until all areas are independent of moisturiser.Spot moisturising
Instead of applying moisturiser to an entire affected area, you may spot moisturise on cracks and bends which are the most painful/uncomfortable areas which are prone to cracking. Spot moistusing minimises the likelihood that you will develop hardened skin and reduces the number of areas hardened skin will develop on.Moisturising according to need/’’feel’’
Together with spot moisturising, you may choose to moisturise only on certain days when you feel exceptionally dry, tight or painful. This prevents applying moisturiser from becoming a daily habit and prevents you from developing an addiction to applying moisturisers. I personally believe that moisturisers are meant to be used this way - only when needed and not as a daily routine. This also applies to normal skin - it is common for people with normal healthy skin to develop dry skin because their skin has gotten used to having moisturiser on it everyday, and the oil glands have stopped producing as much oil to naturally moisturise itself.Switching out to lighter moisturisers
As mentioned in this page, occlusive type moisturisers cause hardened skin the quickest. These are very thick and heavy balms and oils including shea butter, beeswax, petroleum jelly etc. It would be best to switch out to a thinner moisturiser e.g. a lotion. One that we usually recommend as the lesser of the evils is Physiogel AI Soothing Cream.
Recommended: Using CJAY Serum as an aid to moisturiser withdrawal
In the clinic, we often advise the use of CJAY Serum to help with the Moisturiser Withdrawal process. Contrary to popular belief, CJAY is actually more effective at removing hardened skin than the Ultra-Pulse Contact CAP treatment.
CJAY Serum is not considered a moisturiser as:
1. It’s consistency is very viscous and thin, and so it does not cause hardened skin. It actually reduces hardened skin by bringing moisture to the deeper layers of the skin.
2. CJAY Serum is made for TSW skin and so does not contain many of the irritating ingredients that other products may have. The skin does not react to the serum, and thus does not need to form a hardened layer of skin to protect itself.
How to use CJAY with the moisturiser tapering methods:
Reducing frequency of moisturiser application
When you reduce the frequency of moisturiser, switch out one application of moisturiser with one application of CJAY Serum. For example, if you were using moisturiser 5 times a day, apply it 4 times a day and replace 1 time with CJAY Serum. CJAY Serum would bring some temporary hydration to your skin and gives you something you can apply on with the knowledge that it is safe for your skin. The application of CJAY will also speed up your healing from MW and you are likely to be able to taper off moisturiser a little quicker with its help.Reducing amount of moisturiser application
Before applying moisturiser on, you may apply several layers of CJAY serum, let it set, then apply the reduced amount of moisturiser on top of it. The temporary hydration from CJAY will help you feel like you need to apply less moisturiser on your skin to feel moisturised.Withdrawing by area
Apply CJAY Serum as and when needed on the areas you have chosen to stop moisturiser application. This helps to relieve some of that dryness and to speed up healing from MW skin on those areas.Spot moisturising
Apply CJAY Serum on the areas that need minimal hydration and continue spot moisturising on areas that are cracking/painful.Moisturising according to need/’’feel’’
On days that you feel like you do not need moisturiser, you may apply CJAY Serum. CJAY Serum is not addictive and does not cause any dependency. It is a serum that provides your skin with nutrients it needs for regeneration, and can also be used on healthy skin as an anti-ageing product. On days that you feel like you need some moisturiser, you may apply CJAY Serum underneath your moisturiser.
As always, I emphasise that CJAY Serum is an aid to healing. As your skin gets better, you’ll find that you naturally reach out for CJAY Serum less frequently, because it has done its job of helping your skin get stronger. It is never my wish for anyone to have to rely on a product long term! If you do wish to continue using CJAY Serum after your skin has recovered, it is safe to do so for beauty and anti-ageing purposes, but know it is not because your skin needs it any longer!
How to use CJAY Serum for reducing hardened/elephant skin:
Suitable for hardened skin that is not inflamed or broken.
1) Put the hardened skin area under the shower or under running water for 2-3 minutes continuously. Ensure that the water pressure is not too hard. Allow the skin to absorb the water as much as possible.
2) Pat dry very gently, do not rub. Leave some moisture on, just a little!
3) Apply CJAY Serum to the skin while skin is still damp/moist. Allow it to absorb and apply a second layer. Then go about your day!
4) Repeat daily, it usually takes 2 months of consistent use to see significant improvements. You got this!
For more information on the serum, you may visit the Treatment & Serum page.
Persevere on, it will be worth it!
Having gone through the entire process of MW, I must say it is painful and difficult but worth every bit of the process. Not having to worry about whether you’ve brought your moisturiser out wherever you go, not spending ages lathering on thick greasy products and having them stick to your clothes, not worrying about whether you look greasy and oiled up and having it get in your hair… You’ll also realise that having to moisturise is just something we have been conditioned to believe because of all the enticing new products out in the market that just seem so luxurious and exciting. Our skin is perfectly capable of moisturing itself but we need to give it a chance to do it on its own. Try it and see if it makes a difference for you! :)